segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008


We say that depression is when you're down. However, it is a psychiatric illness like any other and needs treatment, when a friend is depressed you can not mock but encourage or distracted him. We have to talk, try to understand and guide him to a profissional. Nodody knows why a person feels depressed without having any experience.
The depression may have some symptoms for example:
• Loss of energy or interest
• Humor depressed
• Lack of concentration
• Changes in appetite and sleep
• Lessen of physical and mental activities
• Feeling of regret or failure
Periods of best and worst are common. Many depressed people think they are good when it happens.
Other symptoms that may be associated with the core symptoms are:
• Pessimism
• Difficulty to make decisions
• Difficulty to start doing tasks
• irritability or impatience
• Find that it is not worth living; desire to die
• cry to-nothing
• Difficulty to cry
• Feeling that he will never improve, hopelessness ...
• Difficulty to finish the things that has started
• Feeling of self-pity
• Persistence of negative thoughts
• Frequent complaints

• Feelings of guilt unjustifiable
• Loss of weight and appetite, insomnia, loss of sexual desire
Depression leads to an increasing risk of heart attack.
Depression often reach 15 to 25% of people who have cancer, with the discovery as they begin to be afraid of death, the plans of life are interrupted, the changing of the body are matters of dismay and sadness.
We can identify when a person is depressed by the daily sadness. The person has no interest in activities that he liked. Besides, he gets slower than the usual. As a person, he feels that it is a dead weight to the family and thoughts of suicide are natural.
The exact cause of depression is unknown, but the most likely explanation is that an imbalance in the neurons responsible for the humor that are caused by the stressful events, loss of dear person, loss of employment, change of housing against their will and serious illness.